People to Help You

State Defender Offices

California Appellate Project
101 Second Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 495-0500
Habeas Corpus Resource Center
303 Second Street, Suite 400 South
San Francisco, CA 94107
(415) 348-3800
Fax: (415) 348-3873
Contact: Michael Hersek
Office of the State Public Defender
1111 Broadway, 10th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607
(510) 267-3300
Fax: (510) 452-8712
Contact: Mary McComb
3801 Corporex Park Dr., Suite 201
Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 740-3544
Fax: (813) 740-3554
Contact: Bill Jennings
101 N.E. 3rd Avenue, Suite 400
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301
(954) 713-1284
Fax: (954) 713-1299
Contact: Neal Dupree
Department of Public Advocacy
Capital Post-Conviction Branch
100 Fair Oaks Lane, Suite 302
Frankfort, KY 40601
(502) 564-3948
Fax: (502) 564-3949
Contact: David Barron
Mississippi Office of Capital Post-Conviction Counsel
510 George Street, Suite 403
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 359-5733
Fax: (601) 359-5050
Office of the Post-Conviction Defender
530 Church Street, Suite 600
Nashville, TN 37243
(615) 741-9331
Fax: (615) 741-9430
Contact: Justyna Scalpone
Office of Capital Writs
Stephen F. Austin Building
1700 N. Congress Ave., Suite 460
Austin, TX 78711
(512) 463-8600
Fax: (512) 463-8590
Contact: Brad Levenson